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Trustwave SpiderLabs

SpiderLabs® is the advanced security team within Trustwave focused on application security, incident response, pentesting, physical security and security research. The team has performed over a thousand incident investigations, thousands of penetration tests and many hundreds of application security tests globally. In addition, the SpiderLabs Research team provides intelligence through bleeding-edge research and proof of concept tool development to enhance Trustwave’s products and services.

Contact: Ed Williams
E: [email protected]

CREST Accreditations

Other Accreditations

Non-Accredited Services

Intelligence Led Penetration Testing (STAR)

Ed Williams
+44 (0)7565 639256
[email protected]

Our Simulated Targeted Attack and Response (STAR) service simulates threats to your organisation based on real-world intelligence.  SpiderLabs utilises our team of dedicated researchers and internal Threat Database to create tactics, techniques and procedures that closely replicate real-world threat actors.  Often, we deliver this service in conjunction with out Incident Response team to create custom ‘purple team’ engagements, delivering maximum value and support to our clients.

CREST Qualified Consultants:

  • CREST Certified Simulated Attack Manager
  • CREST Certified Simulated Attack Specialist
  • CREST Certified Infrastructure Tester
  • Contact: Ed Williams