The CORVID mission is to provide a professional and bespoke cyber security service to few clients rather than many, with integrity.
Developed to provide defence against the most sophisticated threat actors and safeguard its parent company’s innovation, know-how and trade secrets, CORVID was so successful it was decided to release it commercially. Whether you are looking for advanced network defence, protection against malware or enhanced email security, we work in partnership with you to ensure our range of intelligence-driven and innovative cyber security solutions suits your specific needs.
Discretion and control our fundamental principles of our service delivery and, as such, we never advertise the names of our customers and, through our bespoke Broker mechanism, our organisations retain complete control of the information which we can see.
CREST Accreditations
CREST Partner Programmes
Cyber Security Incident Response
+44 (0)1242 651251
[email protected]
In the event of cyber compromise CORVID’s specialist incident response solution identifies how and where the breach took place, the information accessed and how to recover systems quickly. By focussing on these questions, CORVID analysts address the business impact, enabling customers to understand the detail and take appropriate steps. With CORVID, our customers remain in control of their data at all times, mediating the information our analysts can see through our bespoke broker.
Contact: CORVID