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Become a Training Provider

Why should we join the Training Provider Programme?

  • Industry Recognition: CREST accreditations are respected across the cybersecurity industry, enhancing your organisation's credibility and attractiveness to potential participants.
  • Enhanced Visibility: Gain a place on the CREST website, enhancing your visibility and offering the opportunity to increase your presence in the cyber training market.
  • Quality Assurance: Being part of the programme means your training aligns with the rigorous standards set by CREST, ensuring high-quality education that's directly relevant to industry needs.
  • Market Demand: With cybersecurity threats escalating, there's a growing demand for qualified professionals. Offering training that leads to CREST certifications can attract more participants to your programmes.
  • Networking Opportunities: Joining the programme connects you with other providers, cybersecurity professionals, and organizations, opening doors to partnerships, collaborations, and new business opportunities.
  • Contribution to Professional Development: You play a crucial role in the career path of cybersecurity professionals, helping them gain the skills and certifications needed to advance in their careers.
  • Collaboration with CREST: Opportunities to collaborate with CREST to advance the professional certification market.
CREST and Cyber Training provider logos

Which option is right for me?

I want to become a CREST Training Partner

If your training programmes are already aligned with CREST examinations, you're invited to apply immediately to become a CREST Training Partner. This designation affirms your alignment with the rigorous standards of CREST and signals to your learners the high quality of your training offerings.

I want to become a Cyber Training Provider

For those offering training not yet aligned with CREST examinations, there's an opportunity to join our community as a Cyber Training Provider. This step signifies your commitment to achieving the highest training standards and offers your learners assurance of your dedication to quality education in cybersecurity.

I want to become a Practice Lab Partner

At present, we are at full capacity for additional Practice Lab Partners. However, we welcome your interest and encourage you to reach out to us via email. Should openings become available, we'd be delighted to provide you with further information on the process.

What are the benefits of the Training Provider Programme?

Benefit (per annum)Cyber Training ProviderCREST Training Partner
Assurance that your training aligns with the rigorous standards set by CRESTBlue tick iconBlue tick icon
Listed on CREST Website ‘Find Training Provider tool’Blue tick iconBlue tick icon
Certificate of approval issued by CRESTBlue tick iconBlue tick icon
Authorised use of CREST Training badge/logoBlue tick iconBlue tick icon
Social Media Re-posting by CRESTBlue tick iconBlue tick icon
Opportunities for joint promotion at CREST Events, Webinars & Trade ShowsBlue tick iconBlue tick icon
A chance to collaborate on Publications, Blog Posts, PodcastsBlue tick iconBlue tick icon
Opportunities to collaborate and expand training offeringsBlue tick iconBlue tick icon
Connect with other providers, cybersecurity professionals, and organisations, opening doors to partnerships, collaborations, and new business opportunitiesBlue tick iconBlue tick icon
Provide Training to support the expansion of CREST exams globallyBlue tick icon
Benefit from increasing use of CREST certifications by Governments & RegulatorsBlue tick icon
Ability to purchase CREST Exam Vouchers in Bulk at a discountBlue tick icon
Sponsorship discounts for CREST eventsBlue tick icon

Does CREST provide training content or courseware we can utilise?

The CREST examinations are meticulously designed to evaluate a candidate's technical skills, knowledge, and competence. CREST has outlined the key knowledge areas for each examination and provided examples to illustrate the exams' style and structure. These are available in the examination pages here.

As each exam is aimed at different levels, different types and styles of training will be appropriate, as illustrated below:

Certification LevelTraining Style
Practitioner: Foundation level, competent to conduct routine assignments under supervision. Aimed at those with ~2.5k hours (~2 years) experience.*Suitable for intensive training aimed at improving or providing fundamental knowledge, locking in the theory in support of the practical experience expectation.
Registered: Intermediate level, competent to work independently without supervision and with limited sign-off. Aimed at those with ~6k+ hours (~3+ years) experience.*Suitable for focused development aimed at augmenting existing knowledge and skills acquired through the practical experience expectation.
Certified: Advanced level, competent to run and sign off major projects. Aimed at those with ~10k+ hours (~5+ years) experience.*Suitable for sessions aimed at consolidating knowledge and skills, and assisting candidates to identify any gaps or weaknesses.

CREST understands the need for providing our exam-takers around the world with every opportunity to achieve success with high-quality, vocationally focused training and course materials that supports their continuing development and journey towards achieving the gold standard of CREST certifications at locally affordable prices. CREST therefore additionally offers its Approved Training Providers course materials for CPIA, CPTIA, CPSA and CRT courses to enable them to become Training Partners. To inquire about becoming an Approved Training Provider and/or a Training Partner and getting access to courses, please contact us.

What are we assessed against?

You will undergo a thorough assessment based on a defined set of criteria, designed to guarantee that candidates receive the highest quality experience. In addition, you must demonstrate adequate policies and processes covering information security, and quality management to meet our standards.

To meet our standard, you will:

1. Manage Development and Delivery

a. Selecting Course Creators – You will need to ensure that you have a defined criteria for the selection of course authors.


b. Mitigating the impact if a course is cancelled – You will need to have processes in place to offer participants opportunities to attend training courses within a reasonable timeframe and that there is a policy to mitigate cancellations.


c. Control Course Documentation – You will need to ensure that you control documents to ensure only the latest training materials are used by instructors when delivering training.


d. Review Course Materials – You will need to ensure that course materials stay current. The ownership of reviewing the course should be defined and content reviews should be planned.

2. Respond to Participant Feedback

a. Participants have a voice – You will need to provide a range of suitable mechanisms so participants can provide feedback.


b. Respond to participant feedback – You will need to consider and respond to participant feedback and complaints in a timely fashion.

3. Create Suitable Courses

a. Course aims and objectives align – You will need to ensure that the aims and objectives are aligned with outcomes expected of your training course.


b. Suitable course authors – You will need to ensure that course authors are suitably qualified and are maintaining their skills and knowledge.

4. Define Course Content

a. Course cover CREST Content (For CREST Training Partners only) – You will need to ensure that the course content is mapped to the appropriate CREST syllabus. You must provide participants with information about what areas of the syllabi are covered by the training and those that are not. The course must accommodate regional requirements and variations.


b. Course Prepares Participants for the exam (For CREST Training Partners only) – You will need to ensure that there are defined learning outcomes which are appropriate to the exam and have a process in place to ensure that the outcomes are achieved, where possible, by all participants. You must ensure that the course length is commensurate with the complexity of the content.

5. Provide Excellent Participant Journeys and Support

a. Support participants before the course starts – you will need to ensure that participants are provided with adequate preparation material where applicable. You must provide clear and easy to understand joining or induction instructions and provide sufficient information to allow participants to prepare to attend training.


b. Support participants on the course – You will need to ensure that participants are offered support throughout the training process and can access support in a reasonable way. You will need to be able to identify participants who may require additional support beyond that which is normally offered. You will need to understand the participant experience and increase the accessibility and inclusivity of the training provision.

6. Have Competent and Knowledgeable Instructors

a. Instructor to participant ratios – You will need to ensure that you have an appropriate instructor to participant ratios.


b. Suitable course instructors – You will need to ensure that instructors are suitably experienced and qualified. They must be continuously enhancing their knowledge and staying up to date with current techniques. They must be selected based on a defined criteria which includes consideration around the level of technical knowledge required to instruct participants on the subject matter.

7. Recognise and Embrace Diversity and Inclusion

a. Training materials are inclusive – You will need to ensure that training materials are inclusive and represent a diverse society. You will need to ensure that language used in training materials does not exclude individuals or perpetuate stereotypes. You must regularly review your training materials to ensure it remains inclusive and diverse.


b. Instructors and trainers are inclusive – You will need to ensure that instructors or trainers are adequately prepared to deliver training in an inclusive way.

How much does it cost?

Application Assessment Fee1,2001,5002,0002,0001,250
CREST Training Partners Annual Fee3,0003,6004,8004,8003,500
Cyber Training Providers Annual Fee2,0002,4003,2003,2002,300

How do we apply?

Applications can be submitted online through the CREST Application Portal. After submission, a virtual meeting will be scheduled to discuss the assessment findings and review your training provision details.