A discount on CREST membership for organisations based in lower-income countries.
To help drive up global standards and grow capacity in local markets, we have introduced a 50% discount for small businesses based in lower-income countries. The discount will apply to new membership applicants and current members who are renewing – and includes all associated membership fees for accreditation across all disciplines.
Qualifying for the new discount is based on the income of the country where the potential member organisation is headquartered and the company’s income. The country must have a ‘lower middle’ or ‘low’ income economy according to World Bank classifications.
The organisation’s annual income must also be less than GBP 5m (USD 6.1m, SGD 8.2m, AUD 8.25m, EUR 5.7m) to qualify for the discount. Organisations will be re-assessed against the criteria whenever a fee is due again.
If you would like to find out how to apply for CREST membership, please visit our membership page or contact [email protected].