HackerOne Pentest is the PTaaS solution within a comprehensive security platform. This offering seamlessly integrates with a diverse range of security services, including bug bounties, Code Security Audit (CSA), and a vulnerability disclosure program (VDP).
Penetration tests conducted by HackerOne follow a methodology-driven approach, placing a significant emphasis on context-specific manual testing through a hand-selected testing team. The platform supports various testing targets and requirements, providing a versatile testing environment. Users can access a comprehensive set of deliverables through the platform, including final reports, letters of attestation, vulnerability reports, statuses, and metric dashboards. HackerOne's PtaaS solution is ideal for organizations seeking a thorough and intelligent approach to penetration testing.

CREST Accreditations
Penetration Testing
HackerOne Team
(+1) 415 891 0777
[email protected]
At HackerOne, we’ve redefined traditional pentesting with our Pentest as a Service (PTaaS) delivery model, providing heavily vetted domain expertise, swift results, and interactive feedback. This approach not only guarantees regulatory compliance but also fosters direct engagement and teamwork between security teams and HackerOne employees throughout each project.
PTaaS approach is not just about finding vulnerabilities; the dynamic and transparent nature of engagements with our carefully selected crowdsourced, independent third party pentesters through the HackerOne platform, provides additional invaluable insights and learning opportunities for security teams; continuously strengthening your defenses.
Pentest services: Web Applications, External Networks, APIs, Internal Networks, Android, iOS, Cloud, Code SecurityAudit.
Contact: HackerOne Team