Login to profile

A special shout out to wizlynx group for being the first member to post a link to its events and current job vacancies on its profile page on the CREST website.

All members can share events and job vacancies on the CREST site, helping you enhance your profile and reach a pool of qualified potential candidates who may meet your job requirements.

Many members have already used the website self-service function to update their contact details, company description and images. wizlynx group is the first to explore the additional potential. For further information see our latest update.

Simply login to our site (under Member Dashboard at the bottom of the webpage) and on your editable profile page click the appropriate tab, for example Careers and Events, to add the jobs and events you want to feature.

We are collating jobs and events and will feature these on our website giving you greater profile and allowing you to share your vacancies with qualified individuals using the CREST site.