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General questions

How can I book the CCRTS exam?

The CCRTS exam is available in selected Pearson VUE Test Centres across the globe. You can book your online exam now via the Pearson VUE website.

What is the cost of the exam?

The CCRTS certification is £1600 + VAT (where VAT is only applicable to the UK) and is made of two examinations: 

– CCRTS Multiple Choice & Scenario exam

– CCRTS Practical examination


Each part is £800 + VAT (where VAT is only applicable to the UK). 

How can I claim my promo code?

Promo codes are available for a limited period of time both for CREST Members who can get 75% off and non-members who can get 40% off. You can find more information and claim your promo code here.*


CREST members must ensure they use their CREST member email to unlock the maximum discount. 


Hurry, offer ends 28 February 2025*

*Please note: promo code available until 28 February 2025. Please make sure you have booked your exam by 28 February 2025. Your exam must be sat by 31 March 2025.

I need to cancel my exam last minute due to extenuating circumstances.

Please see the following Pearson VUE link and select the correct region for Pearson VUE’s customer support.

Is there an expiry date for my CCRTS certification?

Yes. It remains valid for 3 years from the date when the exam was taken. 

Each examination part is valid for 12 months from the date of when the exam was taken. 

How can I prepare for my CCRTS exam?

On each individual certification page, you can find the syllabus, notes for candidates, and sample questions designed to be similar to those found in the exam. 

What is the best way of revising for the CCRTS?

The majority of successful candidates have gained real-world experience, augmented by training courses in certain disciplines, before attempting the examination. We recommend candidates to review all the information available on the CCRTS web page and to answer the readiness questionnaire available on the same page. 

Is the CCRTS exam open or closed book?

Written exam

The written exam is closed book. Therefore, no books, written notes, internet access or other electronic devices will be allowed. This applies to both components of the written exam: the multiple-choice test and the written scenario. 


Practical exam

Candidates are able to pre-upload files ahead of their practical exam via CRESTDrive. These files will be accessible on the day of the exam. 


Please visit our dedicated page here and read the FAQs here.

Do CREST have training courses for the CCRTS?

Currently, there are no training providers offering public and off the shelf courses for CCRTS. However, CREST has been working on expanding the number of partners and you can find a list of all training providers on this link:

Training Provider Search – CREST (crest-approved.org) 

I have concerns about a training resource I’ve found online.

The quality and credibility of CREST exams depends on maintaining their integrity and security. We use various methods and tools to regularly scan the web for sites that claim to offer our exam materials and as a member of the CREST community, you play a vital role in helping us protect our exam content, their value, and in turn, your certifications. 

If you have any doubts about the legitimacy of a resource, or have any information about fraudulent behaviour or misconduct, please report in confidence using our Exam Security Anonymous Reporting Form. Alternatively, you can email us at [email protected] 

Exam structure

When will I receive my examination results?

Written exam

Results of the multiple-choice test will be available for candidates at the end of the exam via their Pearson VUE account and will provide a breakdown of the areas and how they have performed. 


The results for the written scenario component and overall result of their written exam will be provided within 20 days from when the exam has been taken. 


Practical exam

Candidates will receive an email from Pearson VUE once exam results are available in their Pearson VUE account. Results will usually be available within 24 hours but might take up to 48 hours in some cases due to additional verification checks. Candidates will receive their score in each section. 


If you have not received your results after 48 hours and/or if you have any queries, please contact us via [email protected].  

How will I sign the CREST Code of Conduct and NDA?

You will be required to sign both when booking the CCRTS exam at Pearson VUE. 

Special Accommodations

Candidates must contact the CREST support team at least 2 weeks before the potential exam date with a formal medical report from a qualified medical practitioner specialising in the particular condition. Candidates should register an account with Pearson VUE but not book an exam date until the accommodation request has been processed. For more information please contact [email protected].

Pearson VUE test centres and exam day

What am I allowed to take into the Pearson VUE Test Centre?

  • The CCRTS is a closed book exam. Therefore, no books, written notes, internet access or other electronic devices will be allowed.
  • Electronic items such as mobile phones, smart watches, ear buds etc will not be permitted to be taken into the exam. You will be required to surrender all electronic items and potentially other personal items. Lockers will be provided. 
  • However, in order to allow candidates to familiarize themselves with the tooling available in the exam environment, a virtual machine is available here. The virtual machine will host a version of Kali Linux that can be used to perform all required tasks within the exam. This machine has a large number of tools installed, including licensed versions of Nessus Professional and BurpSuite Professional. 
  • Pearson VUE Comfort Aid List 

I already have a Pearson VUE login, can I use that to book?

Yes. You can only book the CREST CCRTS exam through a Pearson VUE account. Please follow the link to set up an account if you have not already done so: Pearson VUE.

What Identification Document (ID) do I need?

You need to bring two forms of government issued IDs one of which must have a picture. Most candidates bring their passport and the driver’s licence. No photocopies will be accepted. Please see the following link for more detailed information: English (pearsonvue.com) 

Are there any tips for the exam day?

Pearson VUE provides relevant information for candidates via their resource hub: helpful resources for test-takers