We are thrilled to announce that we are hosting a free after-work seminar alongside CREST Community Supporter ISC2 Chapter in Auckland!
Our Australasia Chair, Nigel Phair, will host and MC the event, and our New Zealand council representative, Ray Dussan, will moderate an expert panel of cyber enthusiasts discussing the theme of “Empowering New Zealand – creating the skills for a cyber security career”.
Our panellists represent a broad spectrum of experience in cybersecurity. We are delighted to introduce Kendra Ross, Independent Director/Investor from Infometrics, Chris Hails, Principal Security Consultant/vCISO from Bastion Security Group, ISC2 Auckland and Rameez A. Bhat, Principal Security Consultant/vCISO from Spark New Zealand.
Our audience include representatives from our members in New Zealand, CISOs, the buying community, and the ISC2 Auckland community.
To reserve a spot, please book your ticket here.
16:00 PM – Guest Arrival, Networking
17:00 to 18:00 PM – Welcome Address by Nigel Phair, Panel Discussion
18:00 to 19:00 PM – Networking with Canapes and Drinks